Squad Training Policy

1.       Training Fees

Junior Squad                      $75/ month        (2 x 1hr sessions per week)

Development Squad       $95/ month        (2-3 x 90-minute sessions per week)

                                                $115/ month      (4-6 x 90-minute sessions per week)

2.       Training Eligibility

Only members of CDSC are eligible to participate in training sessions with exception of prospective members during trial period

3.       Invoice Period

Training fees become due at the beginning of the month for the coming month. e.g. Fees become due on 1st March for the full month of March

4.       Payment Due

Invoices are to be paid in full by the 7th of the month unless prior arrangements have been made with the Treasurer.  Payment is to be via bank transfer. Establishing a direct debit is encouraged

5.       Non-Payment

Non-payment of training fees may result in the swimmer being refused access to training until the fees are paid or arrangement has been made with the Treasurer

6.       Training Break (Family)

Training Fees will be due regardless of swimmer’s attendances. The only exceptions are where written notice has been given to both the Treasurer and the Coach of a prolonged absence of 3 or more weeks through injury, illness or family commitments.  Fees will be adjusted pro-rata to reflect period of notified break.

7.       Training Break (Club)

Where the club or centre enforces a closure for a period where no coaching can be delivered a pro-rata discount on training fees shall be applied. ie 2-week closure over Christmas will result in 50% reduction in fees.  Note:  does not apply to public holidays.

8.       New Members

Where a new member joins part way through a month the applicable training fee shall be pro-rata part payment of the month based on full week available attendance, 25% (1 week), 50% (2 weeks), 75% (three weeks), 100% (4 weeks)

9.       Make-Up Sessions

If a swimmer misses a training session due to illness they can, subject to coach’s agreement, attend a make-up session within the following 7 days. 

10.   Refunds

Refunds will not be available once payments have been received.  In extenuating situations written requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis

11.   Family member discount

Discounts are available for a 3rd family member or more swimming in the squads. 3 swimmers $30 discount off the total squad fee per month, 4 swimmers $40, 5 swimmers $50 discount off the total squad fee per month.